PAEP: Free Course on Patent Agent Exams

The Patent Agent Examinations are due on January 07, 2024. And looking at some of the previous discussions on the blog (indicatively see here, and here), this one surely seems like a tough nut to crack. In light of the approaching exams, we are pleased to bring to you news from one of our former bloggers Rajiv Kr. Choudhary about a wonderful new initiative he’s put together online, Prepare for the Patent Agent Examination (PAEP), a free for all website for the aid and assistance of the participants appearing in the Patent Agent Exam. Rajiv is an IP law practitioner and has previously written about the patent agent exams here, here, here, and here.

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PAEP: Free Course on Patent Agent Exams

By Rajiv Kr. Choudhary

The Patent Agent Exam is just around the corner: Over the holidays, I created a website for preparing for the patent agent exam (PAEP) and named it as such. The site is freely available to access and practice at:

Questions from 2010 till 2023 (Paper I) are included chapter wise showing the approximate importance of each chapter over the years (more questions – more important chapter). The answer key has been checked with that provided by the patent office and in the case there is a difference in view, I have provided reasons why in my view, the answer is correct / incorrect. There is a separate quiz provided for revising timelines, sections and FORMS.

For Paper II, there are separate quizzes addressing nuances in claim drafting using a Yes / No approach. The reason why I created this is for exam takers to get familiarized with at least drafting styles and the way claims are written and read.  

A separate quiz is there for drafting of the specification and claims.   I intend to keep adding questions to Paper I part and Part II: the focus being on PCT drafting etc.  

I believe that the website is useful for both aspiring exam takers and practitioners as the concepts in the Act and Rules can be revised using the same quizzing pedagogy.  

I had created a prior version of the website some time back and wanted to update it for quite some time, post publication of my book on Patent Law and Practice.  Going forward I intend to take the exam questions part totally online and keep the book focussed on practice aspects.  Any feedback or suggestions can be sent to [email protected]

So best wishes to the Exam Takers! Here is to a Happy new year 2024! 

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