Economic Laws Practice (ELP) has expanded its equity partnership to 12 by promoting Kumar Visalaksh and Ashish Prasad to equity partners.
Kumar Visalaksh had joined ELP after in Mumbai after graduating in 2006 from Nalsar Hyderabad, making him the first fully ‘home-grown’ equity partner at the firm. He joined as part of the tax practice, and later moved to Delhi in 2009 to build the practice there.
He specialises in tax and customs work, as well as foreign trade policy and export control, both in advisory and litigation.
Ashish Prasad, a 2003 Campus Law Centre Delhi University graduate, joined ELP in May 2015 and specialises in disputes in tribunals and courts, including in commercial litigation, arbitration and advisory work on regulatory changes.
Prasad has represented clients in sectors including mining, pharmaceuticals, food and drug, telecom and electricity.
Managing partner Suhail Nathani commented: “Going back to ELP’s original vision – in 2001 we set out to create a platform for like-minded professionals to come together & grow through outstanding client service.
“Today, twenty years later, we take one more step on that path by having two more professionals join us on the equity table – Ashish Prasad and Kumar Visalaksh – both accomplished professionals and market leaders in their own right.
“Their addition to the equity will undoubtedly enrich the entire firm. We look forward to their continued growth with ELP, and also to them working with the entire leadership team as we collectively lead our firm to even greater heights.”
In 2019, the firm had promoted four into equity (which was 11-strong back then but followed by some equity departures, such as Darshan Upadhyay).