Law of Sale of Goods Question Answer Series 7: Important Questions for Judiciary Exams | Part – VII

Legal Bites presents the Law of Sale of Goods Important Question-Answer Series. The questions listed here will help students study for various Competitive and University Exams. Candidates can use Legal Bites’ list of questions to help them determine the most important and often asked questions and practice their aptitude and knowledge.

Answering questions is a continuous process that is an inevitable component of any test preparation, as we all know. A well-written response displays not just a candidate’s knowledge but also his or her ability to tailor the content to the question’s requirements.

It is vital to prepare for this exam to pass it thoroughly. To attain mastery over the subjects studied, applicants only need to keep practising these questions in the months coming up to the examinations. Following it, the candidate’s confidence level, as well as their scores, will vastly improve.

Law of Sale of Goods Question Answer Series 7: Important Questions for Judiciary Exams | Part – VII

Question 1

The plaintiff, a butcher bought a carcass of a goat from the defendant, who was a meat shopkeeper in a meat market. The plaintiff in ignorance of the fact that it was exposed to tuberculosis, offered it for sale. It was seized by a Food Inspector, who adjudged the same as unfit for consumption, and condemned it to be destroyed. The plaintiff was also fined. Thereafter, the plaintiff filed a suit against the defendant to recover the amount of fine and damages for breach of warranty under the Sale of Goods Act. The defendant pleaded that by usage of trade such an implied warranty was excluded. Decide by referring to the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act and decided cases. [HJS 2009]

Question 2

X sold 2,000 gross of “200 yds. reels” of sewing cotton on the stipulation that if Y, the buyer, did not take any objection within 14 days of the receipt of goods, the goods would be deemed in all respects to be in accordance with the contract. No objection was raised in the first 14 days of the arrival of goods but 18 months after delivery goods were found to be short in quantity, the length per reel being on an average 6% short. Y sued X for damages. Decide. [Punj JS 2006]

Question 3

M entered into an agreement with S for the purchase of unascertained goods. S despatched the goods by train. Goods were lost during transit. S filed a suit for the recovery of the price of the goods against M. Decide giving reasons. [DJS 1979]

Question 4

What are the effects of delivery of goods in the wrong quantity or of different description? The seller agreed to supply 100 bags of wheat but only 90 bags of the wheat were supplied to the buyer. Whether buyer can refuse to take the delivery of 90 bags of the wheat? Decide. [DJS 2005]

Question 5

A sells a machine to B. The price remains unpaid. After some time B handed over some parts of the machine to A for repairs. Discuss whether A can claim a lien on the parts. [BJS 1984]

Question 6

Dilate on unpaid seller’s lien as contemplated under Section 47 of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930. What are the circumstances hereunder unpaid seller’s shall stand terminated? [RJS 2015]

Question 7

Discuss the ‘doctrine of caveat emptor’. Does the Indian Law recognize this doctrine? If so, as to what extent? [BJS 2018]

Question 8

‘A’ in Calcutta agrees to supply bananas to ‘B’ in Delhi. It was agreed that the payment would be made by way of RTGS by ‘B’ to ‘A’ exactly four days after the bananas are received by ‘B’. The consignment of bananas is sent by ‘A’ to ‘B’ on 15.04.16 and is received by ‘B’ on 18.04.16. ‘B’ makes payment to ‘A’ on 22. 04.2016 in the morning. On inspection of the received consignment of bananas in the afternoon of 22.04.2016, ‘B’ finds that the bananas are overripe and some are rotten and not of the specification agreed upon and so he immediately informs ‘A’ about the condition of the consignment and that he has rejected the same. ‘A’ says ‘B’ cannot reject the consignment. ‘B’ sues for damages. Decide while citing the relevant provisions under the Sale of Goods Act. [DJS 2015]

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